What can cause anxiety?


Feelings of anxiety will most likely occur in everyone’s lives in varying severities. General anxiety disorder (GAD) can be caused by something specific, many things or by nothing in particular but here is a list of some reasons someone could be suffering from anxiety.  COVID-19   Whether its worrying about catching coronavirus, feeling isolated due to lockdown […]

How sickle cell can impact someone’s life

How sickle cell can impact someone’s life

Sickle cell is a type of condition that affects a person’s red blood cells. Someone who has sickle cell disease produces unusually shaped red blood cells, causing the cells to not live as long in comparison to healthy blood cells and can block blood vessels.  This condition is usually detected during pregnancy or soon after […]

Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Looking after your feet

painful diabetic neuropathy

If someone who has diabetes does not control their blood sugar level effectively, they may experience painful diabetic nerve pain. Diabetic neuropathy damages the nerves that send signals to your hands and feet, causing numbness or a sharp or aching pain.   Around 50% of people with diabetes experience nerve pain. Those who have diabetes must take […]

Erectile Dysfunction and Depression: Is your mental health affecting your sex life?

For many, erectile dysfunction (ED) is something they would associate with older men. For younger men suffering with mental health issues, however, the condition may have a larger affect their lives than some would assume.   Although depression is widely known to cause overwhelming feelings of sadness, emptiness, and low self-esteem, it can also have an […]

Dressing with Psoriasis: Tips for Staying Cool this Winter

Psoriasis Winter Itch

As winter approaches, those suffering with psoriasis will need to plan their winter wardrobe ahead of time to avoid flare ups.   Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system which causes skin cells to grow at an accelerated rate. This leads to red, flaky, crusty patches of skin, most commonly found on your elbows, knees, […]

Your mental health could be affecting your sex life

Depression affecting sex life

As you get older, erectile dysfunction (ED) is something you may encounter more often. This is, typically, the case for most men. Other serious factors could be impacting your ability to achieve and maintain an erection.   Although older age and physical health issues can have an influence on sexual potency, there is also a direct connection between poor […]

What’s the Difference: Golfer’s Elbow or Tennis Elbow?

Golfer's Elbow or Tennis Elbow

Despite its somewhat misleading name, tennis elbow can be caused by a variety of activities. Doing virtually anything over a long period of time that involves overuse of the muscles in your elbow, causing strain and inflammation. These activities can include tennis, decorating or manual work, gardening, typing or playing certain musical instruments like the […]

Interview: Growing up with eczema

Growing up with eczema

At the start of secondary school, Shania suffered from eczema. Like many older children and teenagers who have been affected by the condition, her eczema symptoms gradually became less severe as she got older. We spoke to her about her experience with eczema as a teenager.  Did your eczema ever make you self-conscious? Eczema used […]

Why is my eczema flaring up?

Eczema flare up and itching

Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis, brings everyday irritation to around 1.6 million people in the UK. Although it is not currently known what causes eczema, certain triggers are known to bring on painful flare ups. An eczema flare up is when the skin is at its most irritable, often appearing as incredibly itchy skin which can […]

Are you a musician suffering from elbow pain?

Tennis Elbow musicians

After years of practice and dedication to your instrument, you have found yourself suffering from shooting pains in your elbow, making it incredibly difficult to play, let alone enjoy. Sound familiar? You could be suffering from tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, without even knowing it! When the muscles and tendons around our elbows […]