Treating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Treating COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung condition that affects around 1.2 million people in the UK1. Characterised by pulmonary airflow limitation, COPD can cause symptoms such as chronic coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and frequent respiratory infections. While there is currently no cure for COPD, proper treatment and lifestyle changes can significantly […]

Working with You to Create Better Research Experiences

Working with You to Create Better Research Experiences

At MAC Clinical Research, we believe that patients and volunteers are more than just participants – they are our partners in every step of the research process. Their experiences, insights, and willingness to be involved drive us to make progress and improve the future of healthcare. We are proud to work with a wide range […]

Anhedonia: Understanding the Emotional Numbness of Depression

Anhedonia Understanding the emotional numbness of depression

Depression affects around 280 million people wordwide1. However, among its various symptoms, anhedonia remains a particularly significant challenge. Many people living with depression struggle to experience pleasure in activities they once enjoyed, often described as ‘emotional numbness’. Traditional antidepressants offer limited effectiveness in treating anhedonia in depression. The good news? New clinical trials are exploring […]

Overeating: The Influence of Depression and Stress

Obesity Awareness Week

With our ever-present diet culture facing off against super-sized fast-food portions, it can be difficult to know whether we are eating too much or what it means to overeat. Overeating can be harmful to our physical and mental health; it is important to be aware of the behaviour before it becomes chronic, and understand how […]

Make “Join A Clinical Trial” Your New Year’s Resolution

New Years Resolutions

Looking for something new to add to your New Year’s Resolutions for 2025? Look no further! Taking part in a paid clinical trial could be a great benefit to you and to countless people living with a variety of physical and mental health conditions around the world. What are Clinical Trials? Clinical trials are the […]

Universal Health Coverage Day: Strengthening Equitable Health Systems

Universal Health Coverage Day

Every year on the 12th of December, we mark International Universal Health Coverage Day, a time to reflect on the need for robust, equitable health systems that ensure everyone, everywhere, can access quality healthcare without financial hardship. The World Health Organisation estimates that around 4.5 billion people in the world are not fully covered by […]

Anger Awareness Week: Exploring Anger Issues

Anger Awareness Week

For Anger Awareness Week, we’re exploring the relationship between anger, biology, and mental health. More than one in ten people in the UK admit to having difficulty controlling their own anger, and over 28% say they are worried about how angry they feel. Despite this, only 13% or fewer of those struggling with anger have […]

Making Clinical Trials Accessible: The Journey to Healthcare Equity

Disability History Month 2024

Clinical trials research the safety, tolerability, and effectiveness of treatments (medical or otherwise) in patient populations, healthy volunteers, or both1. Trials evaluate whether a treatment works, whether it works better than existing options, and identifies potential side effects. They are highly regulated by national and international bodies and occur only after years of laboratory testing, […]

Social Expectations during the Festive Season

Social Expectations during the Festive Season

As the festive season approaches, we are often presented with a time of joy, connection, and celebration. Yet, for many people, this period can also exacerbate symptoms of mental health conditions. The pressure to socialise, the stress of family gatherings, and the societal expectations surrounding this season can amplify feelings of anxiety, depression, and other […]

Carers Rights Day: How Can Improved Treatment Options Better Support Individuals and Their Carers?

Carers Rights Day

Providing support and care for someone who has an illness, disability, mental health condition, or addiction, either in a paid or unpaid capacity, is referred to as ‘caring’. Caring can include a range of support such as cooking and cleaning, emotional support, personal care (i.e. washing and helping to go to the toilet), medical care, […]