Eczema and Hay Fever Season
Hay fever season is upon us and while it can be troublesome for most of us, for people living with eczema, it can be even more difficult to manage. Seasonal allergies are usually worst from late March until September, particularly when it’s warm, windy and when the pollen count is at it’s highest. This is […]
Lung Health and Air Pollution #LoveYourLungsWeek
This week is Love Your Lungs Week, and we want to raise awareness about air pollution and the effects it can have on lung health. From the 21st-27th June, Asthma and Lung UK (formally known as The British Lung Foundation) are using the Love Your Lungs campaign to raise awareness about lung health. They are […]
Treating Symptoms of Menopause
For women going through menopause, they may experience a range of symptoms. From hot flushes and night sweats to anxiety and difficulty sleeping, below are some of the treatment options for women experiencing symptoms associated with menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) HRT is the main treatment for menopausal symptoms. The treatment works by replacing the […]
MAC Featured in The Guardian Newspaper
MAC Clinical Research featured in a recent Guardian article titled: Clinical trials: how taking the pills may pay those bills. The article highlights how companies such as MAC Clinical Research, who are engaging in clinical trials, are recruiting study participants with monetary payments and incentives such as Broadband so they may work whilst on trial. […]
Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment and my MAC Clinical Research Experience
John is a retired paramedic from Manchester who recently took part in a clinical trial for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) at MAC Clinical Research. MCI is a condition which causes difficulty with cognition, affecting mental abilities for example memory or thinking. It is estimated that between 5 and 20% of people aged over 65 have […]
What is a RigiScan device?
Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is a common issue for many men, particularly over the age of 40. Although ED is something that may be more common amongst older men, underlying issues could be the cause, such as stress, anxiety, depression and low mood, diabetes and drinking too much alcohol. For men living […]
What Causes COPD?
It’s estimated that around 3 million people in the UK are living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), of whom 2 million are undiagnosed. COPD is a progressive disease that gets worse over time, it causes inflammation to the lungs which leads to breathlessness, a persistent chesty cough with phlegm, regular chest infections and wheezing. […]
Living with OCD and My MAC Clinical Research Experience
Susan is a retired personal assistant from Cheltenham who recently took part in a clinical trial investigating a potential new treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) at MAC Clinical Research. She has been living with OCD since she was a teenager, and it has a severe impact on her daily life. OCD is a mental […]
Living with Parkinson’s: When Treatments ‘Wear Off’
Many people living with Parkinson’s may feel that the benefits of their medication begin to fade away and do not last until their next dose – this is known as ‘wearing off.’ When those living with Parkinson’s experience an “off period” with their treatment, their symptoms start to come back or can worsen. The control […]
1.3 million people took part in clinical trials in England last year
The National Institute for Health Research published some promising figures for clinical trial participation statistics for the last year. Find out more about our clinical trials here. The institute reported that 1.3 million people took part in clinical trials across England, this was double the number that took part last year. As a clinical research […]