Symptoms of Menopause

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Menopause Hot Flushes

If you are going through menopause, think you may be about to go through menopause or know someone going through it, you all will experience different symptoms with varying severities.  

  1. Night sweats 

As the body produces less oestrogen during menopause, the usual functioning of the hypothalamus, which regulates your body’s temperature, is thrown off. Night sweats can be extremely difficult for the person going through menopause and their sleeping partner. Ensuring that bedrooms stay cool at night will reduce the effect of night sweats.  

  1. Low mood/anxiety 

Statistically, women are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder but this can be even more the case for people going through menopause. This is due to the decrease in the production of oestrogen.   

  1. Reduced sex drive 

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can sometimes help with a reduced libido caused by decreasing levels of sex hormones (oestrogen). For those who go through an abrupt menopause which can be caused by chemotherapy, they will experience an immediate drop of oestrogen which can trigger a greater reduction in sex drive in comparison to a natural menopause.  

  1. Weight gain  

Similar to the previous symptoms, a drop in oestrogen levels can affect metabolism. Regular exercise and a healthy balanced diet, including reducing carbs, can help control weight gain.  

  1. Hot flushes 

One of the most common symptoms of menopause involves the sudden feelings of heat that spreads throughout the body. Some who go through menopause will only have occasional, tolerable hot flushes while others will experience them several times throughout the day. Various things can trigger hot flushes such as eating spicy food, consuming caffeine or alcohol or wearing thick clothing.  

HRT is usually given to stop hot flushes but it can have negative side effects while non-hormonal treatments are often not sufficient in providing relief. MAC Clinical Research are currently recruiting for a clinical trial across various sites in the UK to trial a new study medicine to treat hot flushes.  

If you are a post-menopausal woman aged between 40-65, you could be eligible for MAC Clinical Research’s trial. For more information and to register your interest, visit:  

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