MAC Clinical Research to restart free memory assessments for over 50s

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Memory Assessment Clinics MAC

This November, MAC Clinical Research will be reopening their Memory Assessment Research Clinics which provide free memory screening services to individuals over 50 years old.  

Cathy Jepson, Exec. Director of Site Operations at MAC Clinical Research, is delighted to be reopening the Memory Assessment Research Clinics from 23 November 2020. 

Cathy said: “Being able to open the clinic to patients again brings life and soul back into the building – interacting with patients and contributing to their care is always a privilege. The patients are the lifeblood of any healthcare organisation. Our company strapline is ‘Working Together to Improve Health’ – without patients in our clinics we are working on our own.  

“There is nothing like speaking to a patient in person and building a trusting relationship. This is particularly so when people feel vulnerable and worried.” 

The Memory Assessment Research Clinics in Lancashire and West Yorkshire take self-referrals from anyone over the age of 50, alongside GP and specialist referrals. Patients wishing to visit the clinic are able to bring a family member or friend (from their bubble) which MAC encourage to help with feelings of anxiety and helping to fill any gaps if someone is struggling to recall any events. 

The memory clinic staff come from a variety of health and science backgrounds and have specific experience and training in memory assessment. 

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the memory assessment clinic process at MAC had been remodelled, enabling each of MAC’s clinical centres to function as a Memory Assessment Research Clinic (MARC). 

Charlotte Marsden is a Clinical Rating Specialist and assists in the running of the MAC Memory Assessment Research Clinic in Lancashire; she played a big part in the remodelling of the memory assessment process at MAC. 

Charlotte said: “I want our memory clinics to be consistent, trusted and an efficient way of recruiting patients onto clinical trials. I also want it to be a positive link between MAC and our local community. 

“By running our memory clinics, we offer support to our local NHS trust who are very busy at the minute. Some patients feel reassured that MAC is here to keep an eye on their memory concerns which I also think is good for our reputation as an award-winning healthcare organisation” 

With the re-opening and refreshing of MAC’s memory screening procedures, they are able to roll out their memory screening clinics at a total of six clinics. 

For further information about our MAC Memory Assessment Research Clinics how to refer visit:  

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