We’re Celebrating Clinical Trials Day!

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Saturday 20th May is Clinical Trials Day, a day where the clinical research industry comes together to celebrate the value and importance it brings as well as the impact it has in changing people’s lives, every day.
This year the theme is ‘Together We Can’ with an emphasis on working together to reach our goals of making meaningful progress and change within healthcare.
At MAC we fully embrace Clinical Trials Day and this year, to celebrate, we will be promoting the ‘Together We Can’ theme and each of its four key concepts all week to highlight and demonstrate how we as a clinical research organisation deliver on these.

Raise Our Voices: Clinical trials and the study teams behind them have a superpower: They improve patients’ lives.

Elevate the Bar: The standards of clinical research can never be high enough. There’s always more we can do to deliver new therapies more expeditiously and to protect patients more fiercely.

Be for Everyone: Different backgrounds. Different perspectives. Different identities. All of these are needed to improve representation in clinical trials.

Inspire the Future: Clinical trials demand a diverse, research-ready workforce of individuals who are passionate about making a difference.

Be sure to keep an eye out on our social channels this week for engaging, inspirational, and educational content in celebration of Clinical Trials Day. Because, Together We Can.

Find us on:

Facebook: facebook.com/MACClinicalResearch

Instagram: instagram.com/mac_clinicalresearch

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