Treating Symptoms of Menopause

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Treating Symptoms of Menopause

For women going through menopause, they may experience a range of symptoms. From hot flushes and night sweats to anxiety and difficulty sleeping, below are some of the treatment options for women experiencing symptoms associated with menopause.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

HRT is the main treatment for menopausal symptoms. The treatment works by replacing the hormones that are missing as a result of low oestrogen levels. It can come in the form of tablets, skin patches, a gel or implants.

Although HRT can be very effective at relieving symptoms for some women who are experiencing hot flushes, brain fog, joint pains, and reduced sexual and vaginal dryness, it can have some side effects; HRT can slightly increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer or blood clots.

Lifestyle Changes

Aside from medical treatment, many women may have to make lifestyle changes to relieve and treat their menopausal symptoms.

For those experiencing night sweats and hot flushes, they may opt to wear light clothing, taking cold showers and cutting out potential triggers like spicy food and caffeine.

Cutting out certain foods can also treat the symptom of weight gain during menopause. Dr Abimbola Babajide, a Clinical Research Physician at MAC Clinical Research, said in a recent article for The Express: “”Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and building muscle strength are all great ways to stay in shape and manage weight gain.

 “Gaining weight is completely normal and a common effect of menopause and nothing to worry about.”

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Symptoms such as mood swings, depression and anxiety could also be treated with changes in a woman’s lifestyle but also could be treated with CBT. This therapy involves talking with a therapist and can improve low moods and feelings of anxiety.

MAC Clinical Research in Lancashire is currently recruiting for a new clinical trial for an investigational non-hormonal medication that might help relieve hot flushes in menopause.

The trial will involve 12 on-site visits in total plus 2 remote calls over 62 weeks to our Blackpool clinic and if eligible, you will receive up to a max of £910 for your time and commitment.

You must:

  • Have a BMI between 18 and 38 kg/m2
  • Experiencing moderate to severe hot flushes and seeking treatment for them
  • Other eligibility criteria will apply.

For more information, visit MAC’s website here.

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