Breathing Life into Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month

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Breathing Life into Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month

Every year, September marks pulmonary fibrosis (PF) awareness month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about this chronic and often progressive lung condition. According to ActionPF, pulmonary fibrosis affects around 70,000 people in the UK, impacting their ability to breathe and live life to the fullest1. In support of this cause, MAC Clinical Research recognises the significance of promoting awareness and understanding while offering a beacon of hope through our research, supporting potential new innovative approaches to managing the condition.

Understanding Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a complex and debilitating lung disease that involves scarring of lung tissue, which results in a progressive decline in lung function. This scarring, known as fibrosis, makes it increasingly difficult for the lungs to function properly, leading to breathlessness, persistent coughing, and reduced overall quality of life. As the disease progresses, simple tasks such as climbing stairs or even walking short distances can become formidable challenges. According to the National Library of Medicine, patients with IPF who cannot walk more than 207 meters in 6 minutes have a high mortality rate without lung transplantation2.

Exercise as a Vital Component

One key focus during pulmonary fibrosis awareness month is highlighting the benefits of exercise in managing the condition. While the idea of exercise might seem daunting for individuals with pulmonary fibrosis, research has shown that appropriate and supervised physical activity can significantly improve their overall wellbeing. Here at MAC, we recognise the potential of exercise in enhancing lung function, cardiovascular health, and overall quality of life for these individuals. Some examples of exercises for those living with pulmonary fibrosis include Yoga, walking, light weight training, and hobbies such as golf. 

Embracing the Power of Breath

During pulmonary fibrosis awareness month, it’s important to acknowledge the critical role that breath plays in our lives. Breathing is often taken for granted until it becomes a struggle. For those living with pulmonary fibrosis, every breath becomes a testament to their strength and resilience. This month serves as an opportunity to honour their journey and draw attention to the importance of lung health for everyone.

MAC Clinical Research’s Approach

We understand the unique challenges that IPF patients face.

MAC Clinical Research is looking for volunteers to participate in a clinical trial, testing a new investigational once-a-day tablet for the treatment of cough associated with IPF. If you are at least 40 years of age and have a persistent cough caused by Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, MAC Clinical Research would like to hear from you.

If eligible, you may receive up to £610 plus travel expenses or transport reimbursed as well as a full health check-up.

The study is running at our clinics in Greater Manchester, Merseyside, West Yorkshire, and South Yorkshire. To find out more and register your interest, you can visit our IPF research page.

The development of new treatments for health conditions relies heavily on the participation of clinical trial volunteers. The importance of creating new therapies for IPF cannot be overstated. Asthma and Lung UK report that, without intervention, half of the individuals diagnosed with IPF will sadly pass away within three years3.

1 ActionPF – What is Pulmonary Fibrosis

2 National Library of Medicine – Six minute walk predicts waiting list survival in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

3 Asthma and Lung UK – Advice + Support

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